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Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Building Your Cyber Defense One Brick at A Time: Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Safemode IT helps small businesses protect themselves from cyber threats buy offering free online courses that teach the basics of cybersecurity, such as how to avoid phishing, ransomware, and data breaches

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

In an era where our world and businesses are becoming increasingly digital, cybersecurity is not an option - it's a necessity. Safemode IT is dedicated to helping your business navigate the vast and complex landscape of cybersecurity, arming your team with the knowledge and skills they need to identify, avoid, and combat cyber threats.

Why Offer Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

At safemode IT, our mission goes beyond providing top-notch IT solutions. We believe in empowering individuals and organizations to create a more secure digital world. This belief is at the core of why we offer free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

What to Expect from Our Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Our free training program is designed to educate your team about the common cyber threats and how to mitigate them. Through interactive modules and real-world scenarios, we focus on phishing threats, password policies, safe internet practices, and more. We don't just prepare your team for the threats they face today - we prepare them for the threats of tomorrow.

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Why Do You need Cybersecurity Awareness training?

1 in 3 Small Businesses Fall 

Victim to a Data Breach

Why? Cybercriminals leverage the path of least resistance. That means businesses that have limited time and resources to put towards cybersecurity become a prime target. Could your business be in their sights? 

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

28% of Data Breaches in 2020 Involved Small Businesses

2020 saw a shocking 28% of data breaches targeting small businesses. These often overlooked targets are equally vulnerable, yet many lack robust cybersecurity measures. This trend underscores the need for all businesses, regardless of size, to prioritize investing in advanced, comprehensive data protection strategies. Don't let your business become a statistic!

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training

safemode IT's Commitment

Our commitment to free cybersecurity awareness training is part of our broader mission to promote digital literacy and support the development of a safer, more secure digital world.

Empower Your Team with Free Cybersecurity Awareness Training


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​15 Minute Call

We will have a quick call to get to know each other a bit better and find out if our companies are a right fit for each other. 

No commitments, no pressure, no problem!

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